The past year! Crazy, right?!
I spent the last few months getting control of portions of my life. Hopefully, now I can return to my passion. In a minute, I will take a look at my calendar and determine what I can realistically accomplish.
I'm over the idea of destroying myself to accomplish a goal. For me, that only resulted in me giving up and shaming myself. And all for something I had no ability to do in the first place. Ah, the sweet smell of guilt, self-recrimination in the morning.
Well no more!
So let's see. What are my current passions?
What is my plan? I'm going to give myself grace. During the next two weeks, I will play with my schedule. This will give me a better idea of what I can get done.
When I have a better understanding of a realistic schedule; I will let y'all know when and where to find some of these items.
Give yourself grace and see you soon!