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  • Writer's picturenhlove365

Happy New Year!

As I start 2017, I am filled with optimism. A lot of groundwork was laid last year. This year is about continuing the work and hopefully seeing the beginnings of fruit.

At the end of the day I proudly uploaded the first installment of my series 'The Adventures of Tammy Grace Federhousen'. I am also working on the first novel of my Dragons of Avalon series. It will be released later this year. As I get further along, I'll provide small snippets of the book on my blog.

Wishing you all a wonderful year and fabulous years ahead!

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P.S. If you're ever in San Francisco for New Year's Eve, I strongly suggest attending the Japanese Bell-Ringing Ceremony at the Asian Art Museum. I enjoyed it immensely. Especially the idea that I literally rang in the new year!

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