As the seasons change I think maybe I should travel.
Then I think everyone else's lives are more exciting. They travel, they are doing great at work, they have great relationships. I think I should be like THEM!
Invariably I begin believing the person who said 'the grass isn't greener on the otherside' is an idiot!
Just as I begin searching websites for plane tickets I can't afford someone tells me about the craziness in their life. I think, wow I really thought they had it all.
Today, I was reminded we are all stumbling through life wondering if we are doing it right.
Just because someone else photographs well or knows how to write a thrilling blog post doesn't mean their life is better than mine.
No one's life is better for me than my own. It is bumpy and every so often I make screwy decisions but it's my life and overall I'm thinking it ain't that bad.