I finally figured out a way to open and continue writing my stories on my Kindle Fire. That along with the apps on my phone means that I can write and edit using any device.
I'm even drafting this blog post using the wix app on my phone. I tell friends how excited I am with technology and how it makes writing and reaching out much easier. For that reason, I'm going to list a few of the apps/programs I'm using.
Idea/Research: Evernote, Trello and Aeon Timeline, Microsoft Excel
Writing: Microsoft Word, OfficeSuite (Kindle), OneDrive, Evernote, Wattpad
Social Media: Facebook Page Manager, Instagram, Twitter, Ripl, Wix, Wattpad, Canva (website)
Book Covers/Media: Ripl, Canva (website)
Well that's what I'm using so far!