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Camp NaNoWriMo July 2018 Edition

***Is it bad that I am recycling a post that I started prior to the April Camp NaNoWriMo event that I ended up not doing? Oh it goes...***

This year, I am better situated for April errrr July's CampNaNoWriMo :-)

In April, I had a word count goal. This time around I'm concentrating on how many minutes I write per day. In the last few weeks I've started writing more often. My goal for July is to up the frequency and consistency of my writing. If I want to get all of my books completed; I need to have a consistent habit of writing.

At this time, I have around 9 books ideas fleshed out and they won't get published until I write them.

Based on that, I have set my goal to write at least 60 minutes each day. This comes out to 1,820 minutes of writing by the end of the month. I'm hoping this also equates to a completed first draft of Destiny Taken and completing 3/4 of the next book in the series.

Follow my progress during CampNaNoWriMo by going to my Twitter account @NikkiHLove or my Instagram account @nikkilove365 or just check back in to my books page which I will update weekly.

If you want more information on Camp NaNoWriMo check out their website at It is a great activity for anyone looking for a community of writers to help motivate them to start or finish that book rattling around in their head. It is put on by the same people who do NaNoWriMo in November.

Well it's July 1st and I have more writing to get done on this book. See y'all next week. Happy reading and happy writing!

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